Inštitut za arheologijo  ZRC SAZU



Die neuen Urnengräber aus Ruše und das Bestattungsritual in der Ruše-Gruppe der Urnenfelderkultur
(New urn graves from Ruše and the burial customs of the Ruše Urnfield group)


The first part of the article presents results from rescue excavations carried out at the firefighters station in Ruše in May and June of 1993 under the supervision of Mira Strmènik Guliè, for the Maribor Regional Unit of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia. Nine graves and eight pits from the late Urnfield Culture were discovered. The entire site was directly related to the second Urnfield cemetery of Ruše discovered in 1952, representing an integral part of it.

The second part of the article discusses the cemetery as a whole and primarily on the basis of the pottery material compares it to the other cemeteries of the Ruše Urnfield group, which enables its more exact chronological classification.

The last section consists of an attempt at describing the funerary ritual that perhaps took place at the burial of the deceased at the second Ruše cemetery.

Keywords:Slovenia, Ruše, late Bronze Age, flat Urnfield cemeteries, pottery, burial ritual

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