Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU
Das Gebiet von Zagorje ob Savi in der Vorgeschichte
(The Zagorje ob Savi region in prehistory)
The region called Zagorje ob Savi (a hilly region along the Sava River) was fairly densely settled in prehistory. Traces of many prehistoric settlements and several corresponding cemeteries, ranging in date from the Eneolithic to the La Tène periods, have been found by chance but also through systematic field survey during the past hundred years. The sites are still recognizable, and hence they could be described geographically and archaeologically in detail in the article. The finds are catalogued and drawn. The analysis of the topographic aspects and the archaeological material offers an image of the settlement, the burial rituals, and the exploitation of natural resources in the Zagorje region.
Keywords: Slovenia, Zagorje ob Savi, Eneolithic, Bronze Age, Urnfield Culture, Early and Late Iron Age, cemeteries, settlements, hoard, mining
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