Inštitut za arheologijo  ZRC SAZU


Helga SEDLMAYER:<br><br> <b>“Fremde Heimat” – Autochthones und Allochthones in Ostnoricum während der flavisch-trajanischen Zeit<br> ("A Foreign Homeland" – autochthonous and allochthonous in Eastern Noricum during the Flavian-Trajanic period) </b></p> <p class="naslovBel">Abstract</p> <p>On the Norican Danubian limes at the vicus of the fort of Favianis-Mautern, it is possible to demonstrate diverse migration movements with the aid of material culture. In Noricum itself, during the 1st century A.D., an interior migration from south to north, to the limes, can be detected. Troop recruiting and the influx of specialists for iron processing are the decisive factors for this phenomenon. The extension of the limes is instrumental for this influx; the necessity for the influx was the population reduction in the Alpine forelands along the passage along the Danube since the period of La Tene D. In addition to the southern Norican settlers, groups from Pannonia and Upper Germany encountered each other in Favianis-Mautern during the 1st century A.D.; these groups arrived in Noricum through troop relocations. The spectrum of the material culture is polycultural.</p> <p><b>Keywords:</b> Noricum, 1st century A.D., migration, material culture, regional specification</p> <p><a href="../../pdf/61/Sedlmayer_AV_61.pdf">Full text (pdf)</a> <a href="../../pdf/61/Sedlmayer_AV_61.pdf"><img src="../../Grafika/AA_reader_m.gif"></a></p> <p align="center"><a href="../AV_predstavitev.html">Arheološki vestnik</a> |  <a href="../AV_urednistvo.html">Editorial board</a> |  <a href="../Narocila.html">Ordering, price list and other information</a> |  <a href="http://zrcalo11.zrc-sazu.si/zbiva/AViskanje_En/iskanje.php">Search</a> |  <a href="../AV_seznam.html">Issues online</a> |  <a href="../guidelines.html">Guidelines for contributors</a> |  <a href="../Author_declaration_form.pdf">Author declaration form</a> |  <a href="../Reviewer_form.pdf">Reviewer form</a><br> <a href="../AV.html">Home</a> | <a href="#top">Top</a> </p> </body> </html>