Inštitut za arheologijo  ZRC SAZU



Beginnings of the Early Slavic settlement in the Prekmurje region, Slovenia


The site of Nova tabla near Murska Sobota revealed the remains of an early medieval settlement. These remains included the sunken features SZ 6 and SO 149A, charcoal samples from which have yielded 14C dates that indicate the site was already inhabited in the first half of the 6th century. The associated pottery is comparable with the so-called Prague type pottery unearthed in Croatia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Germany and Ukraine. In Slovakia and Germany, sunken features and graves with such pottery have also been dated with the help of 14C analyses, while the sites in Ukraine are dated on the basis of typochronological analyses of the metal artefacts and finds of Byzantine coins. Such early settlement of the western fringes of the Pannonian Plain on the part of Prague culture groups, most likely corresponding to the Early Slavs, is supported by the spatial distribution of the Late Antique and Langobard settlements in the 6th century, by the results of linguistic analyses and by the first written records mentioning the presence of Slavs in Pannonia.

Keywords: Slovenia, Pannonian Plain, Prekmurje, Nova tabla, Early Middle Ages, Early Slavs, pottery, 14C dating

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