Inštitut za arheologijo  ZRC SAZU



Die hallstattzeitlichen Gräberfelder von Nova tabla bei Murska Sobota (Slowenien) –
Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der Steirisch-Pannonischen Gruppe der Osthallstattkultur


[The Early Iron Age cemeteries at Nova tabla near Murska Sobota (Slovenia) – a contribution to the knowledge of the Styrian-Pannonian group as part of the Eastern Hallstatt culture] The article presents an overview of the Early Iron Age cemeteries excavated between 1999 and 2008 at Nova tabla near Murska Sobota, in the Prekmurje region of Slovenia. The excavations were carried out in advance of the motorway construction and unearthed 102 cremation burials in five separate cemeteries. A series of ring, square and rectangular ditches, as well as three stone circles reveal them as tumulus cemeteries, which also included flat graves. The grave goods, pottery in particular, attribute the burials to the Styrian-Pannonian group of the Eastern Hallstatt culture. The metal finds, such as pieces of costume, indicate a fairly stratified society, but also that the separate cemeteries were in part contemporary during Ha C−D1. A striking feature is a complete absence of weapons in male graves, which is otherwise common within the Styrian-Pannonian group.

Keywords: NE Slovenia, Murska Sobota, Nova tabla, Early Iron Age, Hallstatt culture, tumulus cemeteries, graves

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