Inštitut za arheologijo  ZRC SAZU




François Zoltán HORUSITZKY: Les pointes organiques aurignaciennes et moustériennes de Divje babe I, Slovénie. Reconstruction des pointes par la théorie de flambages
(Aurignacian and Mousterian organic points from Divje babe I. Reconstructions of the points by the theory of buckling)

Matija TURK and Metka CULIBERG: The open-air Palaeolithic site V Griču (Suhi Dol near Planina nad Horjulom) (Summary)

Mitja PERGAR: Mala Triglavca 1979-1985. Analysis of the pottery from the “later prehistoric horizon”. (Summary)

Primož PAVLIN and Janez DULAR: Prehistoric hilltop settlements in the Posavje Hills (Summary)

Matej DRAKSLER: Das Gebiet von Zagorje ob Savi in der Vorgeschichte (Zusammenfassung)
(The Zagorje ob Savi region in prehistory) (Summary)

Mario GAVRANOVIĆ: Eine dreischleifige Bogenfibel mit dreieckiger Fußplatte aus Bosnien
(A triple loop bow fibula with high triangular foot from Bosnia)


Roman Period

Andrej GASPARI, Verena VIDRIH PERKO, Metka ŠTRAJHAR and Irena LAZAR: The Roman port complex at Fizine near Portorož - rescue excavations in 1998. (Translation)

Branko MUŠIČ and Jana HORVAT: Nauportus - an Early Roman trading post at Dolge njive in Vrhnika. The results of geophysical prospecting using a variety of independent methods (Translation)


Late Antiquity

Veronika PFLAUM: The supposed Late Roman hoard of tools and a steelyard from Vodice near Kalce (Translation)

Tina MILAVEC: A contribution to the chronology of S-fibulae in Slovenia (Translation)

Ante ŠKEGRO: The Diocese of Baloie (Ecclesia Baloiensis)


Medieval Period

Jože ŠTUKL: About the arrow and boltheads from the area of medieval Škofja Loka (Summary)

Benjamin ŠTULAR: High medieval kitchen pottery. The Kamnik Mali grad case study (Summary)



Maja BASOTOVA: A new veteran of the legion VII Claudia from the colonia Flavia Scupi



Petar POPOVIĆ: Numismatic finds of the 4th-3rd centuries BC from Kale at Krševica (southeastern Serbia)



Mitja BRODAR: The site of Crvena Stijena: some explanations (Abstract)

Anton VELUŠČEK: A contribution to discussion of the process of Neolithization (Summary)

Janez DULAR: Spatial positioning and naming of the archaeological sites reconsidered (Summary)


In memoriam

Paola Korošec (1913-2006) (Timotej KNIFIC)

Bibliografija Paole Korošec (Anja DULAR and Barbara ROGAČ)

Tone Cevc (1932-2007) (Jana HORVAT)


Book reviews

Martina Pacher, Vida Pohar, Gernot Rabeder (ur.): Potočka zijalka. Palaeontological and Archaeological Results of the Campaigns 1997-2000, 2004 (Ivan TURK)

Marek Gedl: Die Fibeln in Polen, 2004 (Andrej PRELOŽNIK)

Gloria Polizzotti Greis: A Noble Pursuit. The Duchess of Mecklenburg Collection from Iron Age Slovenia, 2006 (Sneža TECCO HVALA)

Borut Križ: Novo mesto VI. Kapiteljska njiva. Mlajšeželeznodobno grobišče / Late Iron Age Cemetery, 2005 (J. V. S. MEGAW)

Christoph Hinker: Flavia Solva vor der Stadtrechtsverleihung. Befunde und Funde aus der insula XL, 2006 (Iva MIKL CURK)

Kristina Adler-Wölfl: Pannonische Glanztonware aus dem Auxiliarkastell von Carnuntum. Ausgrabungen der Jahre 1977-1988, 2004 (Tina ŽERJAL)

Gabrielle Kremer: Das Heiligtum des Jupiter Optimus Maximus auf dem Pfaffenberg/Carnuntum. Die Rundplastischen Skulpturen, 2004 (Tina ŽERJAL)

Sofija Petković, Mira Ružić, Svetozar Jovanović, Marko Vuksan, Zsuzsanna K. Zoffmann: Roman and Medieval necropolis in Ravna near Knjaževac, 2005 (Zvezdana MODRIJAN)

Peter Stadler: Quantitative Studien zur Archäologie der Awaren I, 2005 (Andrej PLETERSKI)

Eric Breuer: Byzanz an der Donau. Eine Einführung in Chronologie und Fundmaterial zur Archäologie im Frühmittelalter im mittleren Donauraum, 2005 (Andrej PLETERSKI)

Fehér Bence, Péter Kovács (ur.): The History of Pannonia between 54 and 166 A. D., 2005 (Julijana VISOČNIK)

Hans Foerster, Thomas Frenz: Abriss der lateinischen Paläographie, 2004 (Julijana VISOČNIK)

I Santi Canziani nel XVII centenario del loro martirio / Sveti Kancijani ob 1700-letnici mučeništva, 2005 (Iva MIKL CURK)


Bibliographia archaeologica Slovenica selecta

Bibliographia archaeologica Slovenica selecta (Tina MILAVEC)

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