Inštitut za arheologijo  ZRC SAZU




Jonathan BENJAMIN and Clive BONSALL: The prehistoric chert dagger from Piran, Slovenia: an underwater find from the northern Adriatic

Alma BAVDEK, Andrej MIHEVC, Borut TOŠKAN and Anton VELUŠČEK: Archaeological finds from Križna jama cave (Translation)

Alenka RAMŠAK: Early Iron Age tumuli at Godeško-Reteške dobrave near Škofja Loka

Dragan BOŽIČ: A Hallstatt grave containing a cuirass, excavated near Stična by the Duchess of Mecklenburg in 1913 The reliability of grave groups from the Mecklenburg Collection (Translation)

Boštjan LAHARNAR: The Žerovnišček Iron Age hillfort near Bločice in the Notranjska region (Translation)

Janez DULAR and Marjana TOMANIČ JEVREMOV: Spuren spätlatènezeitlicher Besiedlung in Ormož (Traces of late La Tène settlement at Ormož)

Andrej GASPARI and René MASARYK: Tracing the prehistoric Nauportus The hillfort on Tičnica hill near Vrhnika (Translation)


Roman Period

Edisa LOZIĆ: Roman stonemasonry workshops in the Ig area (Translation)


Late Antiquity

Tina MILAVEC: Crossbow fibulae of the 5th and 6th centuries in the southeastern Alps (Translation)


Middle Ages

Tina MILAVEC: A review of the research into the Early Middle Ages in Slovenia (Translation)



Peter KOS and Beatriče ŽBONA TRKMAN: A Hoard of Roman Republican and Norican coins from the vicinity of Kobarid (Translation)

Alenka MIŠKEC: The Augustan conquest of southeastern Alpine and western Pannonian areas: coins and hoards (Translation)



Anton VELUŠČEK: The Ljubljansko barje, problems of interpretation (Translation)

Maja ANDRIČ: The Holocene palaeoecological and palaeohydrological conditions at Ljubljansko barje – a contribution to discussion (Translation)


In memoriam

Vera Kolšek – celjska arheologinja in muzealka (1930–2007) (Irena LAZAR)

Izbrana bibliografija Vere Kolšek (Irena LAZAR)

Ljudmila Plesničar Gec (1931–2008) (Irena SIVEC)

Bibliografija Ljudmile Plesničar Gec (Bernarda ŽUPANEK in Božena DIRJEC)


Book reviews

Martina Blečić, Matija Črešnar, Bernhard Hänsel, Anja Hellmuth, Elke Kaiser and Carola Metzner- Nebelsick (eds.): Scripta praehistorica in honorem Biba Teržan, 2007 (J. V. S. MEGAW)

Tudor Soroceanu: Die vorskythenzeitlichen Metallgefäße im Gebiet des heutigen Rumänien / Vasele de metal prescitice de pe actualul teritoriu al României, 2008 (Matija ČREŠNAR)

Shannon Lewis-Simpson (ur.): Youth and age in the medieval North, The Northern World. North Europe and the Baltic c. 400–1700. A.D., 2008 (Tina MILAVEC)


Bibliographia archaeologica Slovenica selecta

Bibliographia archaeologica Slovenica selecta (Tina MILAVEC)

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