Inštitut za arheologijo  ZRC SAZU





Pavel JAMNIK, Matija KRIŽNAR, Matija TURK: New information on the Palaeolithic and palaeontological sites in the Črni Kal and Črnotiče quarries above Koper, Slovenia (Summary)

Mitja GUŠTIN, Monika ZORKO: Bronze Age and other surface finds from Bratonci in the Prekmurje region, Slovenia (Summary)

Marianne MÖDLINGER: Star decoration on Late Bronze Age helmets, cups and decorated discs in central and south-eastern Europe

Janez DULAR, Marjana TOMANIČ JEVREMOV: Spuren hallstattzeitlicher Besiedlung in Ptuj (Rabelčja vas) (Zusammenfassung)


Roman Period

Boštjan LAHARNAR: The Roman stronghold at Nadleški hrib, Notranjska region (Translation)

Janka ISTENIČ: Column grave monument from Emona (Translation)

Riccardo CECOVINI: Galli Transalpini transgressi in Venetiam: riepilogo degli studi precedenti e nuova ipotesi interpretativa


Late Antiquity

Saša ČAVAL: Late Antique decorative pins of the stylus type in Slovenia (Translation)


Early Middle Ages

Milan SAGADIN: The early medieval cemeteries of Komenda and Zgornji Brnik in the Gorenjska region (Summary)

Andrej PLETERSKI: A step towards the chronology of early medieval head ornaments in the Eastern Alps (Translation)

Andrej PLETERSKI: Questions about the early history of the Slavs in the light of župa Bled (Abstract)



Peter KOS: Silver fractions of the “Kugelreiter” tetradrachms



Anton VELUŠČEK: Dating of the archaeological site Maharski prekop at the Ljubljansko barje (Translation)


In memoriam

Iva Mikl Curk (1935–2013) (Verena VIDRIH PERKO)

Izbrana bibliografija Ive Mikl Curk (Mateja BELAK, Andreja DOLENC VIČIČ)


Book reviews

Mario Gavranović: Die Spätbronze- und Früheisenzeit in Bosnien, 2011 (Martina BLEČIĆ KAVUR)

Michaela Konrad, Christian Witschel: Römische Legionslager in den Rhein- und Donauprovinzen – Nuclei spätantik-frühmittelalterlichen Lebens?, 2011 (Tina MILAVEC)

Andreas Kakoschke: Die Personennamen in der römischen Provinz Noricum, 2012 (Marjeta ŠAŠEL KOS)

Astrid Röpke: Der Wandel von der Natur- zur Kulturlandschaft im Hochtal von St. Antönien (Schweiz). Ein Methodenverbund aus Palynologie, Bodenkunde und Dendroökologie, 2011 (Maja ANDRIČ, Tjaša TOLAR)

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