Inštitut za arheologijo  ZRC SAZU




Reflections of Late Antiquity
(dedicated to Slavko Ciglenečki on his jubilee)

A portrait of Slavko Ciglenečki (Zvezdana MODRIJAN, Tina MILAVEC)


Bibliography of Slavko Ciglenečki (Andreja DOLENC VIČIČ, Mateja BELAK)

Zvezdana MODRIJAN, Matjaž NOVŠAK: A pot with burnished decoration from Roman period well near Dobova (Translation)

Milan SAGADIN: A hoard find from Grdavov hrib near Radomlje (Translation)

Tina MILAVEC: Late Antique window glass from the hilltop settlement of Tonovcov grad near Kobarid

Polona BITENC, Timotej KNIFIC: Early medieval ironwork hoards from the Gorjanci Hills, Stari grad above Unec and Ljubična above Zbelovska Gora (Translation)

Andrej PLETERSKI: The charm of medieval horseshoes. A discussion of their chronology, classification and origin/a> (Translation)

Mihajlo MILINKOVIĆ: Archäologische Notizen zu fortifikatorischen Lösungen bei frühbyzan- tinischen befestigten Anlagen in Serbien

Maurizio BUORA: Testimonianze di scultura di età gota e bizantina nella basilica di Aquileia e nella chiesa di Monastero. Nuove considerazioni

Franz GLASER: “Man sieht nur, was man weiß.” Völkerwanderungszeit in Schulbuch und Museum



Bine KRAMBERGER: Eine Lampe aus der früh-äneolithischen Siedlung von Zgornje Radvanje in Maribor (Übersetzung)

Elena LEGHISSA: Decorating the pottery of the Ljubljana culture and the Litzen pottery – an experimental archaeology case study (Translation)

Lucija GRAHEK: Early La Tène graves from Orehova vas near Maribor (Translation)


Roman period

Ivan BOGDANOVIĆ, Miroslav VUJOVIĆ: The terracotta lamp in the shape of a gladiator’s helmet from the Viminacium amphitheatre


Middle Ages

Sašo PORENTA, Benjamin ŠTULAR, Borut TOŠKAN, Zrinka MILEUSNIĆ, Janez DIRJEC: The Late Medieval and Early Post-Medieval site of Župnijski dom in Šentvid pri Stični. Analysis of the pottery and animal remains (Translation)



Valentina ZOVIĆ, Anamarija KURILIĆ: The structure of votive inscriptions from Roman Liburnia (Summary)



Peter KOS: Small silver Tauriscan coins of the Đurđevac type


Book reviews

Bettina Fischer-Genz, Yvonne Gerber, Hanna Hamel (eds.): Roman Pottery in the Near East. Local Production and Regional Trade, 2014 (Tina ŽERJAL)

Marko A. Janković, Vladimir D. Mihajlović, Staša Babić (eds.): The Edges of the Roman World, 2014 (Anja RAGOLIČ)

Renáta Přichystalová, Marek Kalábek (eds.): Raněstředověké pohřebiště Olomouc – Nemilany. Katalog, 2014 (Andrej PLETERSKI)

Peter Milo: Frühmittelalterliche Siedlungen in Mitteleuropa. Eine vergleichende Strukturanalyse durch Archäologie und Geophysik, 2014 (Andrej PLETERSKI)

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